5 Webdesign Trends for 2019

5 Webdesign Trends for 2019


KNOK STUDIOS takes advantage of the end of the year to play the Internets prophets and discern what will be the trends for this year 2019 on the web …

Indeed, like all industries, web design is influenced by inflections of the fashion world, the needs of the public, as well as technology.

Without further ado, let’s reveal the alpha and omega of Webdesign for 2019.



#1. Mobile first, again and again !

In 2019, Internet users will spend more time on their mobiles to do their research or online shopping.

With the creation of more powerful, more affordable phones and the worldwide development of 4G (and its successor, 5G), it’s no wonder that the web has to adapt more and more to this format.

As a result, developers and webdesigners will pay particular attention to the use of their creations on phones. Which implies in particular to bet on sim-pli-ci-ty !

Aiming for a sleek style achieves technical as well as aesthetic goals that will make your site a success.

Finally, thinking mobile is also having in mind our little hands and our thumbs that will use the web pages, to make each action (such as access to menus, the act of purchase) easier to perform by placing the elements according to our anatomy!


mobile search 768x434 1
Source : Comscore 2018


#2. Minimalism, thus.

Minimalism remains and will always be the choice of security on the internet!

In a fast-moving world, minimalism is both able create space and put the user in the best conditions, without the assail of thousands of stimuli … but it’s also to avoid wasting one’s time and to get to the point.

But also and as seen previously, a minimalist design is also a technical choice: few elements or simpler elements translates to faster loading time and navigation.


  • Black and white

In the logic of minimalism, it will also be necessary to count on a return of black and white visual identities. Can’t go wrong, as the impact of the B & W is no longer to demonstrate.


ceiba home2
A minimalist black and white photo that guided our design approach for our client Ceiba.


  • Simple geometric shapes

Triangles, squares, rectangles, diamond shapes … in 2019, you’ll keep seing on the internet these forms with sharp edges, sponsored by Euclide since the 3rd century before J-C.

Familiar but always singular, these forms contribute to creating pages that are both balanced and dynamic, and at KNOK STUDIOS, we love it!





#3. Micro-interactions.

“Hover” effects, parallax, shadows, 3D design … we leave, for just a moment, the world of the web on mobile, to return to PC and enjoy the comfort of using a big screen to have fun with the sites that we visit .

In 2019, the sites will look more and more like small jewels subtly animated or evoking worlds worthy of the cinema.


eye glitch
via DTSi


#4. Video !

flightDespite the trends mentioned above, the heavier-to-load videos are still very popular, and no doubt the largest or most creative sites will continue to use this media to captivate their audiences.

The Net, thanks to Instagram, Facebook and obviously Youtube or even Netflix, has supplanted in our use our good old TV, and the webdesign is also affected.

The video format is adopted more and more widely, considered more digestible and impactful than the text for the search for information, whether news or innumerable tutorials that can be found everywhere.

Thus, the use of informative or purely aesthetic video will be in 2019 more present than ever.




#5. Chatbots !

Improving our browsing experiences on the internet requires more services and assistance.

Interactions with human customer care, and increasingly powerful artificial intelligence services (chatbots and machine learning) are key to the success of a website in 2019.

Noticeable with their bright colors, Chat widgets will come more and more to your favorite sites to assist you at best, and hopefully in the least intrusive way!

At present, countless free or paid Chat solutions exist, however it will be necessary to invest more money to offer to your visitors a robot which is sufficiently autonomous to do the work of a human.





Contact KNOK STUDIOS to apply all these great ideas in your website


We offer web services of design, development and marketing, customized to your industry, your digital project and your budget.


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